full stop, life and me


They say, every year, You need to start a new life or get everything done, or continue doing what you like or whatever. It’s like every year you have a new chance to change yourself, to do something, so live the life you want no matter what. Every year is a special one. Like whatever. Not matter what, the time is passing, away.

So this year, that just banged to the door, I chilled out. I didn’t maked any resolutions, I have the same wishes and things I want to do or learn. It was a hard year for me, I hope I did learn from it; I am still doing that.

In psychology class we did learn that we can shedule us to whatever we want, and the same thing others can do that to us too. So I just write down, that I want to be happy and burned it. Cause now, I am not.

How can you hope that one year will bring you something new, or something? oh, God. You create yourself. You and only you, and I just need to believe it.

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