about disease and feelings · Music · Sex and the city · through loves.

What’s the story…

in Balamori. (yeah, kids show) We need to get a grip, or basically I need to get a grip. I didn't write two months, and before that, I was posting not really often. So the story is again the same 'me versus men'. Every day, every week hearing the same long, boring compliments about being… Continue reading What’s the story…

about disease and feelings · life and me · Sex and the city · through loves.

Despre fata care scrie aici….

Eu am fost si sunt o mare adepta a sinceritatii si nu doar, eu ma conduc foarte mult dupa pasiune. Iubesc fiecare barbat din viata mea, la singular. Pe fiecare la timpul sau, daca pasiunea nu trece, dar el a plecat, nu ma avint dupa altul. Astept momentul de trecere, de plins, de gindit nopti… Continue reading Despre fata care scrie aici….

Movie&Books · through loves.

Breaking Bad

ah, cit imi este dor de pieptul tau tare, pe care mi-am culcat capul in timp ce tu imi explicai prima serie din Breaking Bad. Vorbeam ambii in engleza iar vecinul tau dormea pe patul de alaturea, si frustrarea ambiilor ca nu putem sa incingem spiritele pina dimineata, ai spus : Let's watch something on… Continue reading Breaking Bad

about disease and feelings · through loves.

cind vii, te intorci mereu.

  tu cind pleci? ai adormit atit de profund, respirai atit de linistit. si te-am iubit din nou, asa cum te iubesc si las de fiecare data. ai adormit si eu am atipit alaturea, asa cum imi place. tu si linistea la spatele meu, bratele tale incolacite de corpul meu, picioarele unul intre celelalte. ai… Continue reading cind vii, te intorci mereu.

friends and people. · my mood like a image. · Restricted Area · through loves.

I know you know.

I am not gonna speak for you, but you miss me. You just do. You can talk about everything with everyone, but you just don't tell them, that you miss me. But I know, is not just fucking with our each other minds. You're not that type. And I know that you know. You don't… Continue reading I know you know.


Somehow, he does…(3)

-I am so tired. Next day, on his lunch break, he was already in my bed. Next day.'How is this possible?' -Tired? I looked at him. -Yes, tired! Look at us. You cheating on every girlfriend you get, with me. I just can't stop you. I want you. I really want you in my life,… Continue reading Somehow, he does…(3)

about disease and feelings · friends and people. · full stop, life and me · Restricted Area

despre generalizări sau despre pizde, amante și băieți răi

Lumea mereu e în mișcare, lumea nu stă pe loc, ne dezvoltăm, devenim mai robotizați. bla bla bla. Eu nu sunt om al generalizărilor, că niciodată nu am vrut să fiu parte dintr-o categorie, să am un tag sau să urmez o listă de reguli. Cei frumosul? Frumosul e relativ. Frumos e cît cintărești, ce… Continue reading despre generalizări sau despre pizde, amante și băieți răi

Somehow · Uncategorized · unfulfilled stories

Somehow, he does…(2)

It was so strange. I just don't know. We were again in my apartment, in my bed, naked and sweaty from a two hours marathon-sex. Nothing changed, we were still the same crazy, dirty persons that just wanted each other in bed. I was feeling weird, because i was thinking about Dan, the passion he… Continue reading Somehow, he does…(2)


Somehow, he does…(1)

I just returned from my trip, I was still exhausted after a week spending at home, but with all the love and missing my family, I was still full of thoughts. The trip was neither short nor pleasant. I'd completely forgotten the fact, somewhere in my memory, I am back in a city where you… Continue reading Somehow, he does…(1)