Somehow · unfulfilled stories

Somehow, he does…(8)

One week later and everything was so wrong in my life. All of his words were on the repeat in my mind for days. But he was right just in one thing : I was happy with him. Very happy. When we did first met, I was dreaming about of a lovely life and of… Continue reading Somehow, he does…(8)

about disease and feelings · full stop, life and me

Feels like

It feels like the past today. Same streets, same people, same shops, same number, same city; just other feelings. Maybe I am just afraid and because of that I am alone. Loneliness is not a feeling, is for sure a person. A half of my life already I'm trying to get somewhere where my soul… Continue reading Feels like

About dreams · full stop, life and me

The Road II

Do you remember me the last time? There was no tears in my eyes, but today believe me, I'm crying cause I need to believe that things will go either way. I do not have expectations, but more than that I just expect to prove his words. Today I miss everyone from everywhere. Just keep… Continue reading The Road II

about disease and feelings · life and me


Întotdeauna mă întreb, de ce eu? De ce eu trebuie să culeg ultimele rămăşiţe de om în   mine? De ce nu ai fost tu sau ea sau ei? De ce eu? De ce eu trebuie să mă mint şi să nu pot căuta alinare cu altcineva? I don't know how to explain. Is that… Continue reading Redemption



01.07.2015 Ziua de ieri a trecut. Ieri a fost şi ziua fratelui meu. El tot a plecat, demult. Cam toţi au plecat din viaţa mea, şi eu tot îi aştept. Cred că totul a început din copilărie. Ţin minte cum a plecat mama şi nu s-a mai întors, decît după şapte ani de absenţă, iar… Continue reading Trecută

about disease and feelings

About time.

Mă grăbeam. Şi acum mă grăbesc, nu reuşesc undeva şi nici nu ştiu să explic acest sentiment. Eu nu sunt deloc punctuală, eu pur şi simplu nu am asta în sînge, şi chiar atunci cînd ajung la timp e doar pentru că aşa s-au unit stelele, nu pentru că am depus eu efort. Graba asta… Continue reading About time.

a thousand thoughts · about disease and feelings · friends and people.

I will come back, I promise.

I know, a few people that are following me, think that I disappeared and I dont write anymore. For many reason, this may be true, but I always come back in writing. Every day I write in my mind everything I think. For one reason that I am not online, is that everything that I… Continue reading I will come back, I promise.