full stop, life and me · pure philosophy. · Sex and the city

Who to choose?

When I was in college, I was always speaking my bad inexperienced mouth, and I mean, that at that time I wasn't reading too much, didn't put any efforts to be bold and graceful. The one thing I do remember about those time that I was saying that I don't believe much in marriage. I… Continue reading Who to choose?

a thousand thoughts · about disease and feelings · Pastile sedative · Restricted Area

Are you really a woman? I was thinking, they’ve…gone.

Chiar dacă îmi place în unele locuri și situații să fiu dominată de bărbat, sunt încă convinsă că sunt o feministă înrăită. Mă deranjează mult chestiile, chiar dacă nu știu cine le scoate, femeile sau bărbații. Eu nu vreau să fiu superioară sexului opus, vreau doar să nu fiu judecată dintru singur fapt, că sunt… Continue reading Are you really a woman? I was thinking, they’ve…gone.

a thousand thoughts · about disease and feelings · friends and people. · through loves.


Girls, don't give them (boys) nothing. Not even a look. they want sex, they want food, they want trust, they want to fuck the other, they want funny, they want tall, they want fit, they want whatever, they want love, they don't want feelings, they don't want a bitch, they want a bitch, they want… Continue reading Hunters