a thousand thoughts · about disease and feelings · Music · through loves.


I have so many stages when i am in the mood to write, and one of them is music. Music make my thoughts tremble, setting them free and dancing around in my head.

So this song…

Made me write this…


I wonder so many times about my life, about people that I met, that I love, that I adore; about people that I should’ve forget but never did; about people that I adored, who blow my mind and body with so much passion. They are the same people who broke me in piece, the same who helped me reach my soul, the same people who show me a whole new brand world inside me, laughing and crying at the same time. At same point, I hope they loved me. I hope they understand me the way I am, and not the way they wanted me to be.

I got this boy in my life a while ago, it didn’t start in the right way but I didn’t care, because he made me feel all this crazy stuff, that at this point in my life, only a very short number of the other men in my life did reach. He made me feel so alive, so brave, so ‘try-me-on’, so good and so sadly bad. So I think thats why I didn’t get any serious relationship after that, cause I wanted to feel that again. That power, that passion who did start growing in me wanted a future, wanted so much more and she just ended being…

In London, I met this boy who was a man to me, and I felt it. My whole body was nervous cause he wasn’t ready to get broken again. So I didn’t cry. This time, I just hoped that he will just pop up anytime, and he will show me the other half of this world.

I don’t see me beautiful at all on the outside, but inside I am glowing. And I learned thats not enough. If I did survive from a broken heart, I will survive everything. A man can wreck you only when you accept that. But I still breathing, and I am alive. He took it out, but I still breathing.

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